Well this is simple, from couple of months it shows that
next badge: Curious 9/5
So I already crossed limit of 5 questions, I am having 9, but I am not getting this badge from months and it is stuck here.
The full badge description is:
Ask a well-received question on 5 separate days, and maintain a positive question record
A "positive question record" is defined as:
(total questions - negative questions - closed - deleted)/total questions >= 0.5
I won't post the exact number here for privacy, but yours is under 0.5. The problem is if you have a downvoted or closed question that you delete (which I would categorize as a good thing), it actually counts against you more because you still have a downvoted/closed question, but now you also have a deleted question. Not entirely sure why they designed it that way, but it can result in single questions penalizing you up to three times.