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How to suggest a similar question

How to suggest a similar question when we find a possible duplicate, or when it is answered in another thread, as show in the following dialog? Is there a privilege associated with this action?
artu-hnrq's user avatar
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How/where do I ask how to maintain a package with separate patches?

I have a question about maintaining a external software package with custom patches. Similar questions have been asked before, but mine is a bit more specific since it focuses on maintaining packages ...
Metamorphic's user avatar
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Question closed without any explanation (and I'm always searching for an answer)

Some days ago, I wrote this question: Screenshot takes a long time. The post was closed as closed as unclear what you're asking by [5 different users] Aug 14 at 13:36 Please clarify your ...
NatNgs's user avatar
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Is the "On hold" message sometimes wrong?

Looking at I see the question has been marked as "put on hold as unclear what you're asking by ...
Stephen Harris's user avatar
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Is there any way to close your own question

I have asked a question and satisfied with the answers. I have ticked one of them. Is there any way in which i can "close" the question to further answering or is there any convention on what i should ...
darkspine's user avatar
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What is that "on-hold" state?

I see the "on hold" state on some questions that would have been closed in the past. What is this (new?) state, why was it introduced? Can I vote to close in that state?
Nils's user avatar
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Strange question status after an off-topic closure

What happened to this question: I did a bit of editing, then cast the fifth close vote - I believe I selected "migrate to ...
Mat's user avatar
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