Recent discussions talk about the phenomenon. My this question tries to make clear its reason.
Thus, this question isn't about, what we have to do with the Kali questions. This question is about what social/psychological/cultural/... phenomenon creates them.
Where are they from? Why they've chosen Kali?
What drives so many "young titans" to start to use such a not-for-beginners distribution? I think, likely something misleaded them, and if they've known, what is waiting them, they'd likely remained by some more common, more desktop-tuned, Ubuntu/Suse/anything line.
I am curious also to the answers from the "other side", i.e. people whose Kali questions were closed, probably too quickly on his opinion.
Extension: @muru refers a comment about a phenomenon, there a search engine effect was suggested. However, the posters have very similar characteristic (for example: bad English, newbie questions, trying to use Kali as a beginner desktop variant and so on). A search engine effect would result much more diverse OPs.