I strongly believe any post published as a question should contain an actual explicit question. Personally I prefer it in the body, but if it's only in the title then it's not that bad either. Having no question at all is bad.
IMO removing the only question from a question (from a post, i.e. body+title) makes the question (i.e. the entire post) worse. I acknowledge that "could anybody help me?" is an awful question to ask as the only question. The answer is either "yes, somebody can" or "no, nobody can", not constructive. I don't think these are answers the OP hoped for.
If in the post there was a better question along this awful one, then I would totally support removing the awful one because it's indeed fluff.
But since it's the only question in the post, removing it would turn the post from a question into a story. This is a Q&A site, we want questions to be questions. Several times I commented under various "questions" like this:
Your "question" is just a story, not a question. Please edit and ask an explicit question. It may be "…?" or "…?", they are not equivalent and demand different answers; or it may be something else. Don't let us guess what your question is, ask explicitly.
If your edit was accepted and I saw the result, I might be tempted to post a similar comment. It would be unfair to the owner of the question, because he or she did originally ask a question; an awful one, but still. The "question" not containing a question would be your fault, not the owner's.
After seeing "could anybody help me?" I may ask the owner to formulate a better question. This is fair because the awfulness of the original question is the owner's fault.
This is why I think your edit would not "preserve the goals of the post's owner", it would make the post worse.
The post should be improved by replacing this "could anybody help me?" fluff with a substantial, technical, specific, explicit question, not just by removing it. Ideally the owner should do this, but if you think you know what the owner's unwritten explicit question is, and if you think it's obvious enough so reviewers will agree with you, then you can replace.
Then it won't be just "removing noise" (with a side effect of turning the question into a story, so making it worse); it will be "improving the explicit question" from a cliché to a specific one.
I don't know if the reviewers who rejected your edit did this because they think like me. My answer to
Is it noise to ask "Could anybody help me?"?
is: yes, usually; but not always fully. The content is noise, but the form may be something that matters. In some cases removing it may make the post worse. I believe this was such case.
Always try to improve a post as a whole. Any question or answer should "sound" neat as a whole. A phrase that is usually noise should get your attention as a candidate for removal, but do not remove it blindly, consider a broader picture.