I suppose if you're using an API to run the CLI, that could be asked in Stackoverflow, but might not be best.
I don't have the question handy, but saw that a question was closed as off topic because it related to aws-cli itself, which isn't a Linux distro.
Maybe group all VPS stuff into one stack?
this comment:
Flagged to close because the AWS command line tools are not platform specific, nor are any of the problems mentioned here. – Evan Carroll Apr 22 '16 at 16:16
This question:
will be closed. It's not really a programming question...
makes me wonder. migrate to where?
tag. The email question is now, for me, a 404 page, so I can only guess, but it might have been on topic there too. Or, if it was from a web master point of view, then it might have fit on Pro Webmasters, which also deals with AWS hosting.