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20 votes

Should U&L participate in the "1 reputation voting" change?

No. Personally, I think this is a horrible idea, one that will not help increase participation but that will instead increase vote fraud and decrease the value of the votes we have. My vote is that no,...
terdon's user avatar
  • 246k
14 votes

Should U&L participate in the "1 reputation voting" change?

Nope. Voting is a privilege that is earned by positive contribution to the site through posing well-written and interesting questions, through writing clear and well-supported answers, or by helping ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
  • 342k
14 votes

Remove condition of having minimum 15 reputation for upvotes

I applaud your desire to upvote those that have helped you. Sadly SPAM and other nefarious activities are a sad fact of the modern internet. So these limits are in place. But it turns out your idea ...
Stephen Rauch's user avatar
13 votes

Voting on questions. When should you give a upvote

Upvote button hover text: This question shows research effort; it is helpful and clear The fact that someone answers a question does not, de facto, make it a good question. Questions may have ...
jasonwryan's user avatar
  • 73.7k
11 votes

Should U&L participate in the "1 reputation voting" change?

No The form this is being suggested in wouldn't be good here. I've already seen too much evidence of sock-puppet voting as it is, opening it up so that people can create many sock puppet's too easily ...
Philip Couling's user avatar
10 votes

Many times I "forget" to give (deserved) upvotes, because I would have to scroll up again

Keyboard shortcuts are already available. Enable them in your preferences: The help ?: Voting v:
muru's user avatar
  • 75k
9 votes

Why do well received questions often score early down votes?

I'm just speculating, since of course an actual answer could only come from... a committee of downvoters. And I may be thinking about the wrong examples, since you didn't provide any in your question. ...
fra-san's user avatar
  • 10.4k
8 votes

Why do we have downvotes?

I would answer your question with your own words: We downvote because we don't see any value in someone's contribution. That is obvious. It's there for all to see. In general, votes are for rating....
Braiam's user avatar
  • 36.4k
6 votes

Why do well received questions often score early down votes?

In my opinion, I think there's a semi-active user that is exercising their right to vote and is doing so on some criteria that obviously doesn't align with 16+ other voters. It's the disparity of that ...
Jeff Schaller's user avatar
  • 67.9k
6 votes

inform about edits after downvotes

it would be nice to be informed of edits to a post which one has downvoted I had a similar thought, and chased it down through various Metas, eventually landing at Stack Apps: Get a list of posts you'...
Jeff Schaller's user avatar
  • 67.9k
5 votes

Will my previous votes increase the publicly displayed post score after I achieve 15 reputation?

No, you would have to cast the vote again after you reach 15 rep, since your vote wasn't actually a full/normal vote. See Once I reach 15 reputation, will my old votes be taken into account? for more. ...
Jeff Schaller's user avatar
  • 67.9k
3 votes

Should U&L participate in the "1 reputation voting" change?

Not directly, no I used to work at an organisation where IT staff regularly benefitted from the expertise on the Stack websites (including this one, U&L). However, the staff generally didn't log ...
Chris Davies's user avatar
3 votes

Why do we have downvotes?

If anything, downvotes on answers are more important than upvotes. Downvotes are the only way we have of indicating that an answer is bad. "Bad" could mean anything from inelegant, through not ...
terdon's user avatar
  • 246k
3 votes

Moderators accepting answer on behalf of lost users

Moderators cannot accept or unaccept answers on behalf of other users, no matter if that other user is registered or unregistered, a "newbie" or a "veteran". There are many reasons ...
Kusalananda's user avatar
  • 342k
2 votes

Should U&L participate in the "1 reputation voting" change?

No Because this (about upvotes) may make a lot of people to use proxies and fake mails to upvote own posts. Same about downvotes - people may want "revenge/punishment" about someone they do ...
Romeo Ninov's user avatar
  • 18.1k
1 vote

Should U&L participate in the "1 reputation voting" change?

No, I think this is a bad idea. I used Stack Exchange for a while without even a user account and was perfectly happy with being unable to vote. Even if it doesn't result in mayhem, it wouldn't be ...
ArrayBolt3's user avatar
1 vote

Why do we have downvotes?

A point, that @terdon (+1) alludes to, but that doesn't across clear enough: Down-votes are essential to make some answers disappear, (imho) Especially among the older questions there are some really ...
Alex Stragies's user avatar
1 vote

Why do well received questions often score early down votes?

You didn't cite any examples, but I suppose many of those are basic questions that receive a few "you idiot, why don't you know this?" downvotes in the beginning, and then hit the Hot Network ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
1 vote

Why answer a question not worth your upvote?

I sometimes do not upvote if I feel there is a missing detail which should be added to the question. In particular, I sometimes comment that the question should specify the exact distribution and ...
sourcejedi's user avatar
  • 51.4k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible