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12 votes
5 answers

Answer with alternative solution not addressing the question directly

I read the meta question Are answers using alternative tools not welcome?, but I'm not sure if my question has nuances that the other doesn't. I have no issues if you consider this is a duplicate. I ...
schrodingerscatcuriosity's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should we display a user's question/answer ratio?

What are the consequences of this? Would it provide any value? My guess is that user's would be more likely to answer questions rather than ask them if some form of reputation were involved as well.
Timothy Pulliam's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

What to do when user says they meant different question after you have answered

I posted an answer for a user’s question and he indicated he was going to try my solution. After some time he had not indicated whether or not it worked. I commented to ask if it worked or did he ...
EnterUserNameHere's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What time was question asked

How do I find the time that a question was asked? I am looking at a question that is labelled as asked yesterday. The exact time, may be of relevance in answering the question. The question is: ...
ctrl-alt-delor's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Best practice: add and harmonize missing input filenames for Qs & As?

Some coding questions provide sample input files but don't get around to naming the input file. The answerers often make up their own unique input filenames, like "file", "input", "inputfile", or "...
agc's user avatar
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