I'm not sure the accepted answer to this question is correct, and I have left a comment on it seeking further clarification from the author of the accepted answer (or voters).

Unfortunately the authors of the original question and accepted answer have not been online for a long time, and the question has been "dead" for a long time.

My question is: Can I ask a question that seeks to clarify the answer to another question?

1 Answer 1


Go for it. It helps if you link to the original question and specifically mention how it's different, so yours doesn't get closed as a duplicate. For example:

In this answer that moonshadow recommended setting the sticky bit on a directory to force files to keep the directory's group ID. Is that accurate? Wikipedia seems to indicate that he's actually referring to the setgid bit:

Setting the setgid permission on a directory (chmod g+s) causes new files and subdirectories created within it to inherit its group ID, rather than the primary group ID of the user who created the file.

As far as I know, activating the sticky bit on the directory will only make sure that only the directories' files' owner, the directory's owner or root can modify the directories' files. Do I understand the distinction correctly?

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