- Question A (most reasonably) gets an answer as part of question B.
- However, question B 's answer is neither accepted nor upvoted.
My close duplicate request cannot be accepted.
What should be done ?
- Upvote question B's answer and close duplicate (request) question A ? (Being said that, while judging the answer perfectly reasonable, I do not get here & now the means to test the solution) ?
- Post a comment as I did and let it be ?
EDIT : The situation reoccurred in this thread.
This one being even less obvious since the suggested answer had not been working in several cases.
In both case we can observe that Stephen authoritatively closed duplicate after (having ? / the answer of the duplicated being ?) upvoted.
This suggesting an additional alternative :
- Leave that to hammer holders ?
All this leading incidentally to another ? (Or is it the real ?) question :
Is it actually pertinent to submit a close duplicate request to the condition of the duplicated having an upvoted or accepted answer ?