It would be nice if we had a positive resource to point people at, that showed an alternative to installing Kali on bare metal. I think installing Kali on bare metal tends to give users the wrong idea. And then we get questions about e.g. botched updates and broken sound output (!) for Kali; lots of questions that we're not really interested in. (Either to answer it, or to solicit enough clarification to make a "good question", that includes enough specific details).
However, on this site it would be limited, because the most relevant approach is off-topic. If someone is starting from a Windows 10 PC, and is interested in trying Kali? "Step 1: install Ubuntu" is not what they asked for. "Step 1: Virtualization on Windows" is off-topic for this site. (I do not want to see this fudged by describing VirtualBox on Linux, and just hoping that using VirtualBox on Linux works exactly the same :-).
I guess one workaround is people were willing to provide that resource on Then answers here - like the general Kali one - could funnel people towards that.
The question Rui points to, has a Youtube link that covers Virtualbox on Windows, USB pass-through, and a supported USB device. I'm glad that's there, but we're relying on a video link, and the link is inside a comment, not a real answer. The sole and upvoted answer on that question seems to overlook the implications of Kali Linux + USB wi-fi, and recommends disabling USB pass-through.
Of course this all assumes someone steps forward to write it up :-). In that spirit, thanks to Rui for writing the "Kali Unofficial FAQ". It is an impressive effort.
Why kali....