I've always been a Windows user, but I know the OS isn't perfect. To help make it a little better I use GOW, a collection of linux tools ported to Windows. ls, cat, which, wc, and 100+ other utilities added to my path.
I know that these tools are not running on Linux and may have tiny impacting differences between them and their Linux originals, but would asking questions about these tools or complicated combinations of these tools be off topic?
For example, the question I'm dying to ask is how to scan a folder looking for duplicates AND deleting them. Currently I have sha1sum * | sort | uniq -D -c 40
which will print all matching files (determined by identical sha1 hashes) pointing me in the right direction for which ones to delete. Even though I'm running this on Windows, would this be an acceptable question here on Unix/Linux?
sha1sum * | sort | uniq -D -c 40 | xargs rm
will remove the files.