I'm new to unix.sx. In some other StackExchange community I participated in, it's a usual thing to encourage user to post an answer to their own question once they've found it.
An example at unix.sx: OP mentions the problem is solved, and it's clear to them what happened but it all happens in comments, and the question is marked unanswered.
It seems very appropriate for me to ask the OP to post a full answer themselves, and accept it. I wonder if it may be not appropriate for some reason. There could be some: I'm mostly familiar with StackExchange communities where answers are unlikely to change in future, and are likely to be as useful in the (at least near) future as they are now (examples: mathematics; heavily standardised software). This may often not be the case with Unix & Linux, so one might argue that it's better to not waste each other's time describing solution to a problem that was fixed with a new release, or that varies wildly with implementation.
Note, however, that it's not clear from the comment in example whether it was a bug that's fixed by now, or it was both that and OP's own mistake.
Given all that,
is it appropriate at unix.sx to ask OPs to post answers once they found them by themselves, and to mark them as accepted?
in case the problem is now history due to bug fix, is it better to post an answer, or to delete the question altogether? or maybe unix.sx is quite OK with unanswered questions and doesn't consider them a burden at all?