One of our users posted a comment on this question pointing out that the question had been asked (not cross-posted, different user) and answered on Ask Ubuntu. Since I had found the question intriguing and the answer over on AU was quite good, I took the liberty of copying the entire answer verbatim and posting it as an answer to the question here on U&L.
Obviously, I marked it as community wiki (I have neither the right nor the desire to gain rep from someone else's work) and I also linked back to both the original answer on AU and to the original poster's profile on U&L. If this were a more active user, I would have pinged him to suggest he do so himself but since this is a 101 rep user last seen about two months ago, I did it myself.
I felt that it is a good thing to have that information on both sites and that rephrasing a perfectly adequate answer just to make it look different would be silly.
How do we feel about that? Does everyone agree with what I did or should I delete the answer?